MICHIGAN – New Employer Help Center
The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) recently unveiled a new Employer Help Center to help guide employers. As a Thomas & Company client, there is no need to manage employee claims, but some of the other options available are:
• Register Your Business
• Submit Reports and Payments
• Manage Account Settings
• Explore FAQs and Resources
• Contact UIA
NEW JERSEY – The New Jersey Manufacturing Voucher Program (NJ MVP)
An initiative offering equipment grants ranging from 30% to 50% of eligible costs, with a maximum award of $250,000, the New Jersey Manufacturing Voucher Program (NJ MVP) also offers additional bonuses to targeted industries, certified WMVBs, and businesses in opportunity zones. Applications are expected to open on February 12, 2024. Learn more here from Thomas & Company partner Silverlode’s detailed blog. Interested in learning more? Contact your client services team!
OREGON – Work Share Update
The Oregon Employment Department announced its intentions to make permanent the Oregon Administrative Rule 471-030-0079 first implemented in September 2023 that expanded the workshare benefit availability from 20-40% reduction in hours to 10-50%.
Furthermore, on March 4, 2024, the OED will roll out a new UI benefit payment system, which will require employees to file their weekly claims for Work Share benefits. Previously, the employer was responsible for filing weekly claims for their employees.
TAX FORM 1099-G – Unanticipated Forms May Be a Sign of Unemployment Fraud
Ahead of tax season, states recently issued Form 1099-G to individuals who received unemployment benefits during 2023. At this time of year, receipt of unexpected 1099-Gs often uncover unemployment fraud cases that were not previously detected.
As an employer, please report the possible identity theft issue to Thomas & Company so we can notify the state, mark the case as potential fraud, and monitor your account for erroneous charges.
Individuals who received a 1099-G and did not file a claim should take the following steps:
• Report the fraud to the State Workforce Agency and their HR department. It is more efficient and streamlined to file a fraud report online whenever possible. A complete listing of the contact information by state can be found here (UI Claimant Fraud Contacts)
• Employees should report the identity theft to the FTC at www.identitytheft.gov/#/unemploymentinsurance
• Employees should also report the identity theft to the IRS to help avoid paying taxes on the 1099-G income. This can be done via phone at 1-800-908-4490 or by filing an IRS Form 14039 – Identity Theft Affidavit (https://irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f14039.pdf)
• Contact their bank, credit card companies and all three credit reporting agencies (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax) to place a freeze on their credit reports to further protect their identity during the investigation.
For more information about Unemployment Fraud and to find answers to commonly asked questions, please refer to our UI Fraud Support Resources at U.I. Fraud.