ARIZONA – UI Tax System Phone Updates
Beginning this week, employers will see improvements to the Arizona Department of Economic Security phone system, as a redesign allows for employers to receive information and answers to frequently asked questions without needing to speak to an agent. Employers can call (602) 771 – 6606 and will need their Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and state unemployment (SUI) number.
CALIFORNIA – Taxable Wage Base and Tax Rates Remain the Same, No Voluntary Contributions
California’s taxable wage base will remain consistent, at $7,000, for 2024. The tax rate schedule also remains at Schedule F+, which adds a 15% emergency surcharge to the Schedule F rates. Rates on Schedule F+ range from 1.5% to 6.2%. Because the state remains at Schedule F+, voluntary contributions continue to not be permitted. Voluntary contributions are only allowable when rate schedules AA to D are in effect.
COLORADO – Deadline for Q3 Premium and Wage Filing Extended, Preview of Solvency Surcharge
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment announced the extension of the Q3 filing deadline in a newsletter late last week. Unemployment premiums and wage report deadlines have now been extended until November 30, 2023.
The state also provided a preview of the solvency surcharge that will be added to 2024 unemployment tax rates, though additional details were scarce. More information will be shared at a later date and Thomas & Company will be on the lookout and share as soon as it is available!
MISSOURI – 2024 Contribution Rate Adjustment Set
The Missouri Division of Employment Security has announced the Contribution Rate Adjustment (CRA) for 2024. The CRA, which is based on the average cash balance from the state’s Unemployment Trust Fund, will be set at a 12% reduction for the year for employer’s with a rate less than 6%. For employers whose rate is 6% or greater, they will receive a 10% CRA reduction.
WASHINGTON – Paid Family & Medical Leave Premium Update
Beginning January 1, 2024, premium rates for Washington’s Paid Family & Medical Leave program will be decreasing, down to 0.74% from 0.8% in 2023. Employers with 50 or more employees are required to pay 28.57% of the total premium, while employees pay the remainder.