DELAWARE – Tax Rates Remain the Same for 2024
In 2024, Delaware will continue to provide temporary relief to unemployment tax paying employers through House Bill 236, which holds constant employer tax rates for the year. Therefore, rates will remain at 0.3%-5.6%, including the 0.2% supplemental assessment which will also hold constant. Delinquency rates will also remain at 6.5% (including supplemental assessment). The actual rates assigned to each employer in 2024 may change due to the experience factors specific to your account. As rates become available, our team will provide update on your actual 2024 tax rate.
NEW JERSEY – Increase in Weekly Benefit Amount and Wage Base
The maximum weekly benefit amount in New Jersey will increase in 2024 to $854, up from $830. Additionally, New Jersey’s wage base will increase to $42,300, up $1,200 from 2023.
SOUTH DAKOTA – Increase in Weekly Benefit Amount
The maximum weekly benefit amount in South Dakota increased to $514 on July 2, 2023, up from $487. The minimum weekly benefit amount remains the same, at $28.